The Keep on Meeting Methodology

As Keep on Meeting we always seek to use innovative work methods and proven effectiveness that are adapted to the real needs of our clients and that respond to the constantly changing society in which we live. It is for this reason that we do not settle for just being an executor of relational management plans for organizations, but also seek to constantly improve our processes by making a critical analysis of their effectiveness in order to deliver the best possible service that our customers can find in the market.

The Keep on Meeting methodology, which can be considered as a psycho-sociological view of organizational behavior, is based on some basic concepts that are applied transversely in our services and that have been shown to have a great effectiveness and transforming effect on organizations regardless the category of them.

Some of our basic working concepts are:

Permanent Comprehensive Surveillance (PCS)

It deals with the constant revision of the social discourses existing about the organization, which denote the type of relationship that it carries with its environment, besides the observation of the behavior of the different labor and social actors (Unions, Entrepreneurship, Social Organizations, etc). This observation is carried out through the application of mixed information collection systems (qualitative and quantitative) and the in-depth analysis of such information by experts with the support of computer systems.

​Comprehensive Relational Diagnosis (CRD)

It consists of the establishment of causal relationships associated with the problems that our clients wishes us to solve, through a careful process of information gathering and the application of a model of diagramming of the relational behaviors of the different actors. This process results in a dynamic image of the internal and external relations of the company, along with the relational actions that are moving away from the objectives of the organization.

Strategic Resolutive Plan (SRP)

Corresponds to the product delivered to customers as a result of the consulting and mediation processes. This starts of the precept that the conflicts lived in a company or organization are not only singular facts but they respond to a conflicting multi-causal process, in the same way the solutions that are given to these conflicts are not unique actions but are part of a Resolution process. It is for this reason that we deliver to our clients a Strategic Resolutive Plan that indicates the actions to be carried out in the short, medium and long term, as well as the changes expected for those times.

Effective Communication Strategy (ECS)

We understand effective communication as the communication that identifies and analyzes the context, the situation and the interlocutor, so as to find the style of communication and the attitudes that best adapt to the achievement of objectives. It incorporates emotional, attitudinal and relational aspects, being careful of the coherence between form and content of the message. The effective communication strategy is based on this and seeks to design an effective plan that seeks to achieve the objectives of the organization and minimize communication errors that can harm the image of the institution and its relationships.

Relational Predictive Model (RPM)

It is a model of organizational behavioral analysis that incorporates historical social, political and economic dimensions at both micro level and macro system, with which it is possible to establish a recursive pattern of relationships both inside and outside the company. This model based on systems theory allows us to project the future of organizational relationships and anticipate conflictive situations by managing relationships more efficiently and reducing the associated cost of late intervention on internal and external conflicts.

We manage your relationships

Specialized Services

Internal and external communication services

The internal and external communication management service is part of a diagnosis (CRD) that gives us the lines of action in relation to the objectives to be sought, the context in which we are going to work and the critical points of which we must take consideration. From this we design and implement the communicational plan (ECS) determined for the case, always accompanied by the work of monitoring (PCS) that allows us to account for the effectiveness of our plan and the identification of critical nodes that could be transformed into conflicts futures, intervening on these opportunely.

Consulting of labor and community relations

The first stage of the consulting process, as well as any intervention, corresponds to the realization of a precise diagnosis (CRD) of the conflictive situation on which we are being asked for advice, which is done through a mixed model (quantitative and qualitative) and with the support of technological tools created for this purpose. Once the causality of the problem has been identified, a resolution plan (SRP) is designed and the client is given advice during the implementation process of these resolution measures.

Sustainable social development programs

Based on the elaboration of an in-depth socio-cultural diagnosis of the needs of the community in which the organization is developed (both in micro and macro-system) which will reveal the interests and social, cultural and technological needs of the environment, we will build together a plan of social sustainable development, which is in compliance with the current regulations of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the agreements established by the World Bank for the development of sustainable development policies. Finally, an evaluation of the impact of the actions is carried out through feedback systems  to correct and / or establish lines for future sustainable social development plans.

Mediation of work and social conflicts

The first and fundamental step for effectively tackling a conflict process is the efficient development of a relational diagnosis (CRD) that takes into account the origin and perpetuating factors of the conflict, which will account for the different dimensions to work. From this work of mediation between the parties is done so  to be able to co-construct a plan of action to be carried out, specifying the actions to be developed in the short, medium and long term. In addition, the client will be given legal and relational advice in the decision-making process subsequent to the mediation process in order to ensure consistency of the agreements reached.

Advice to foreign investment

We offer our clients an in-depth study of the psychosocial and political factors that can influence the fulfillment of the objectives stipulated when making an investment either in Chile or in Equatorial Guinea (soon to be also in Mexico), this through an ethnographic investigation of the different actors involved in the operation of the company once it is operational. We also carry out a projection of the social impact that the different companies will have in the communities in which they will work, providing specialized advice on issues related to relational management with workers and communities.

© 2017 KEEP ON MEETING  María Auxiliadora 794, San Miguel, Santiago. Chile. Phone: (+56) 2 2840 9645
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